Measuring results and why you're probably getting it wrong

While measuring your results is critical to understanding where your business is and where’s it’s going, I want to touch on another aspect of measurement. The first and only true measure of business success is not what we get from our customers, it’s what our customers get from us. So, we’ve also got to become more professional at understanding how our customers see and measure results.
And there are only two things customers care about when it comes to results. The first I’ll call “basic” support – which covers what every customer wants and expects. Providing “good service” falls into this category. Here are a couple of examples - even if you’re busy, greeting a customer with “hi, I’ll be with you in a moment”. Or, as a simple courtesy, calling them back when you say you will. It uses the same energy to give good service as it does to give mediocre or bad service.
But the cost in results is horrendous. Not only do they tell their friends about your bad service or lack of service but, even worse, they don’t tell you, and so you go on delivering it because you don’t know any better.
However, even when you are the ‘best of the best’ at giving basic support, it still only equates to average earnings for your business. Why, because basic support is what your customer has a right to expect, although it’s rarely delivered these days.
Then we get into the “special” category – delivering the WOW factor!
What can you do differently that will excite your prospects and clients? What can we do that they don’t expect?
A question I ask all my business clients is “Where’s the Disneyland in your business?”
Here’s a simple example from one of my own clients – a hairdresser. When she has a new customer in the salon you’ll find her asking lots of questions as she gets to know them. Some of the questions are subtly woven into the conversation like what type of music the customer likes or the magazines they enjoy the most. Special note is also taken of how they like their tea or coffee.
After the customer leaves my client updates her customer database with these additional little snippets. The next time the customer arrives for an appointment, guess what’s waiting for them? That’s right, their favourite magazine, a coffee just the way they like it, and their favourite music playing in the background. So, does the customer feel special? Do they understand that this business cares about them and values their ongoing support? You bet they do!
So, when we ask questions, give information, show interest, pay respect, advise, recommend and lead, the higher up our customer’s results ladder we go. And, the higher up we go, the more we’re rewarded with higher income.
A customer doesn’t just want a good relationship - that’s what they expect. What they want is a relationship they’re scared of losing because it’s so valuable to them personally.
Where’s the Disneyland in your business?
David Floyd
First On The Beach